Introducing CreatorFi: The Future of Creator Finance
CreatorFi (Creator Finance) is a creative concept between Kanosei Ventures and Amber Group. The mission of CreatorFi is to empower creators to plan and thrive in their NFT journey and be successful with their finances. This video is the trailer of the educational series.
The challenge of the project is the tight schedule for production. Closely working with Leslie Lamb, Crypto Unstacked Podcast & CreatorFi series curator, we produce weekly series for NFT new learners. Combing entertainment and education, not only we introduce the keys to build a creator business but also the hot topics in crypto trend.
For the result, we have received feedback and DMs from our audience. They were really impressed and learnt a lot through the process. It was very heart-warming to receive the supporting messages. For the complete series, please visit the CreatorFi Playlist for more details.
The content of this video is not investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product. Please invest at your own discretion.
CLIENT Kanosei Ventures & Amber Group
ROLE Creative Direction | Editing | Motion Graphics